Trajector Health Data Privacy Notice

Information for Individuals Whose Health Data is Collected in Nevada or Washington

We collect Consumer Health Data from individuals in Nevada and Washington. Our collection of Consumer Health Data is covered by the Washington My Health My Data Act and the Nevada Consumer Health Data Privacy Law (collectively ‘State Health Privacy Law’). In addition to our Privacy Notice at, this Health Privacy Notice only applies to individuals whose Consumer Health Data is collected in the state of Nevada or Washington (“Health Data Subjects,” or “you”).

“Consumer Health Data” means information that is linked or reasonably linkable to a particular individual and that identifies that individual’s past, present, or future physical or mental health status. However, the following categories of information are not Consumer Health Data:

  • Publicly available information;
  • Deidentified data; or
  • Information otherwise excluded from the scope of State Health Privacy Law.

This Privacy Notice provides the following information to individuals in Nevada and Washington:

  • Categories of Consumer Health Data we collect
  • Purposes for which we collect Consumer Health Data 
  • How we use Consumer Health Data to accomplish those purposes 
  • Categories of Consumer Health Data we share
  • Categories of organizations with whom we share Consumer Health Data 
  • How Health Data Subjects can exercise their rights under State Health Privacy Law:
  • The right to access Consumer Health Data
  • The right to delete Consumer Health Data
  • The right to withdraw consent for the collection and/or sharing of Consumer Health Data
  • The right to appeal our decisions on requests to exercise any of these rights.

This Privacy Notice does not apply to the information of individuals acting in an employment context, such as job applicants to Trajector (“Trajector”) or employees or contractors of Trajector.

Categories of Consumer Health Data

The table below outlines the categories of Consumer Health Data Trajector collects about Health Data Subjects, the purpose for which the different categories are collected, how they are used, and whether they are shared with third parties or our affiliates. We obtain affirmative consent from Health Data Subjects before collecting or sharing their Consumer Health Data when required by law.

We collect Consumer Health Data from the following sources:

  • Directly from you


Category of Consumer Health Data:

Physical Health Data


Physical Health Data may contain the following: records provided by clients of treatment related to their general state of physical well-being and any physical medical conditions they have or used to have, like illnesses, allergies, injuries, etc.; descriptions provided by clients of their general state of physical well-being


We collect Physical Health Data to provide medical consulting services, provide representation before the Social Security Administration, and conduct internal research and development to improve these services.


We may share Physical Health Data with Processors and Affiliates. We share this type of data to provide the contracted services including representation before the Social Security Administration, to enable our processors to provide customer service on our behalf, to debug our products and identify errors that may impair functionality, to conduct research and development to improve our existing services, and to enable our affiliates to provide customer service to consenting clients.

Category of Consumer Health Data:

Psychological/Behavioral Health Data


Psychological/Behavioral Health Data may contain the following: diagnosis and treatment information related to an individual’s mental health status including their general state of psychological well-being and any mental conditions they have or used to have, like depression, anxiety, etc.


We collect Psychological/Behavioral Health Data to provide medical consulting services, provide representation before the Social Security Administration, and conduct internal research and development to improve these services.


We may share Psychological/Behavioral Health Data with Processors and Affiliates. We share this type of data to provide the contracted services including representation before the Social Security Administration, to enable our processors to provide customer service on our behalf, to debug our products and identify errors that may impair functionality, to conduct research and development to improve our existing services, and to enable our affiliates to provide customer service to consenting clients.

Category of Consumer Health Data:

Treatment Data


Treatment Data may contain the following: records provided by the client of treatment related to their health status, including their general state of physical and psychological well-being and any physical and mental conditions they have or used to have, like depression, anxiety, illness, injury, allergy etc.


We collect Treatment Data to provide medical consulting services, provide representation before the Social Security Administration, and conduct internal research and development to improve these services.


We may share Treatment Data with Processors and Affiliates. We share this type of data to provide the contracted services including representation before the Social Security Administration, to enable our processors to provide customer service on our behalf, to debug our products and identify errors that may impair functionality, to conduct research and development to improve our existing services, and to enable our affiliates to provide customer service to consenting clients. 

Category of Consumer Health Data:

Prescription Data


Prescription Data may contain the following: names of prescribed medication, dates on which medication was prescribed, and the identity of the prescribing medical provider


We collect Prescription Data to provide medical consulting services, provide representation before the Social Security Administration, and conduct internal research and development to improve these services.


We may share Prescription Data with Processors and Affiliates. We share this type of data to provide the contracted services including representation before the Social Security Administration, to enable our processors to provide customer service on our behalf, to debug our products and identify errors that may impair functionality, to conduct research and development to improve our existing services, and to enable our affiliates and business partners to provide customer service to consenting clients. 

Category of Consumer Health Data:

Diagnostic Data


Diagnostic Data may contain the following: details of diagnoses an individual has received as well as any information related to diagnostic testing that was performed on an individual to determine whether they have a given medical condition.


We collect Diagnostic Data to provide medical consulting services, provide representation before the Social Security Administration, and conduct internal research and development to improve these services.


We may share Diagnostic Data with Processors and Affiliates. We share this type of data to provide the contracted services including representation before the Social Security Administration, to enable our processors to provide customer service on our behalf, to debug our products and identify errors that may impair functionality, to conduct research and development to improve our existing services, and to enable our affiliates and business partners to provide customer service to consenting clients.

Category of Consumer Health Data:

Genetic Data


Genetic Data may contain the following: data that concerns or relates to a individual’s genetic characteristics including details of genetic conditions an individual is likely to inherit, information about their genotype, etc., but typically we only collect genetic data incidentally to collecting information about physical and phycological/behavioral medical conditions.


We collect Genetic Data to provide medical consulting services, provide representation before the Social Security Administration, and conduct internal research and development to improve these services.


We may share Genetic Data with Processors and Affiliates. We share this type of data to provide the contracted services including representation before the Social Security Administration, to enable our processors to provide customer service on our behalf, to debug our products and identify errors that may impair functionality, to conduct research and development to improve our existing services, and to enable our affiliates and business partners to provide customer service to consenting clients. 

Exercising Your Health Data Rights

Health Data Subjects have the following rights under State Health Privacy Law:

  • The right to access Consumer Health Data
  • The right to delete Consumer Health Data
  • The right to withdraw consent for the collection and/or sharing of Consumer Health Data
  • The right to appeal our decisions on requests to exercise any of these rights

If you are a Health Data Subject, you can submit a request to exercise your rights under State Health Privacy Law by visiting our online portal at You may submit a rights request, free of charge, up to two times per year.

To protect your privacy, we may need to authenticate your identity before we respond to your rights request. We will verify your identity by by asking you to confirm information you have provided such as the last four digits of your social security number and/or email address. If you do not complete the verification process, we may be unable to process your request. Any information you provide to authenticate your identity will only be used to process your rights request and not for any other purpose. Please be aware that we do not accept or process rights requests submitted through other means.

We will respond to your rights request within 45 days, though in certain cases we may inform you that we will need up to another 45 days to act on your request. If we suspect fraudulent or malicious activity, we will delay taking action on your request until we can appropriately verify your identity and the request as authentic. If you believe our response to your rights request is insufficient, you can appeal our decision by submitting an appeal request via the same method used to submit your initial request, and we will inform you of our final decision within 45 days.

We reserve the right to charge a reasonable fee or take other appropriate action in response to requests from a Health Data Subject that are manifestly unfounded, excessive, or repetitive.

Third-Party Collection

As permitted by State Health Privacy Law, we sometimes allow third parties to collect Consumer Health Data from you while you are using our website and/or online services. For details on the type(s) of Consumer Health Data we share with third parties, see the ‘Sharing’ section of the Consumer Health Data tables above.

Contact Us

If you have any questions or concerns regarding this Health Privacy Notice, contact us at [email protected]

Last updated: March 30, 2024

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