
California HR Privacy Notice


Privacy Information for California Employees, Contractors, and Applicants

We collect Personal Information from current and past employees (‘Employees’), Contractors and Applicants and comply with the California Consumer Privacy Act and related laws and regulations (“California privacy laws”). This California HR Privacy Notice applies to California Employees, Contractors, and Applicants (“you” or “your”).

“Personal Information” means information that is linked or reasonably linkable to a particular individual or household. However, the following categories of information are not Personal Information:

Publicly available information;

Deidentified or aggregated data; or

Information otherwise excluded from the scope of California privacy laws.

This Privacy Notice provides the following information to California Employees, Contractors, and Applicants:

●Categories of Personal Information we collect;

●Purposes for which we use Personal Information;

●Categories of Personal Information we disclose to third parties;

●Categories of third parties to which we disclose Personal Information; and

●How Employees, Contractors, and Applicants can exercise their rights under California privacy laws:

  • The rights to access, correct, or delete Personal Information;
  • The right to limit the use of sensitive Personal Information in certain circumstances; and

○The rights to opt out of targeted advertising, sales of Personal Information, or profiling.

Categories of Non-Sensitive Personal Information

The table below outlines the non-sensitive categories of Personal Information Trajector collects about Employees, Contractors, and Applicants and whether and how they are disclosed to third parties.

We collect Non-Sensitive Personal Information from the following sources:

  • Directly from our Employees, Contractors, and Applicants
  • From our business partners (“business partners” are companies that we have a pre-existing commercial relationship with)

Category of Personal Information:



Identifiers may contain the following: Names, physical addresses, email addresses, telephone number, birthday, dependents

Purpose(s) for Collection

To comply with EEO-1 filing requirements, to verify employment eligibility, to conduct statistical analysis, to provide personalized HR services and improvement of employment experience, and to comply with and/or provide accommodation under Title VII of the Civil Rights Act of 1964, the Age Discrimination in Employment Act, the Americans with Disabilities Act, the Family Medical Leave Act and other state and federal laws

Targeted Advertising

We do not engage in targeted advertising or disclose this information for targeted advertising purposes


This information is not sold to third parties

Other Disclosures

This information may be disclosed to Processors and Affiliates. We disclose Identifiers to enable our processors to provide customer service on our behalf, to debug our products and identify errors that may impair functionality, to conduct research and development to improve our existing services and employment experience.

Retention Period

We retain this information throughout the employment period and for 6 years post-termination or as required by law

Category of Personal Information:

Personal Characteristics


Personal Characteristics may contain the following: age, gender, ethnicity, citizenship, veteran status, disability status, marital status, dependents, emergency contact, medical providers, previous aliases, pronouns, predictive index assessment

Purpose(s) for Collection

To comply with EEO-1 filing requirements, to verify employment eligibility, to conduct statistical analysis, to provide personalized HR services and improvement of employment experience, and to comply with and/or provide accommodation under Title VII of the Civil Rights Act of 1964, the Age Discrimination in Employment Act, the Americans with Disabilities Act, the Family Medical Leave Act and other state and federal laws

Targeted Advertising

We do not engage in targeted advertising or disclose this information for targeted advertising purposes


This information is not sold to third parties

Other Disclosures

This information may be disclosed to Processors and Affiliates. We disclose Personal Characteristics to enable our processors to provide customer service on our behalf, to debug our products and identify errors that may impair functionality, to conduct research and development to improve our existing services and employment experience.

Retention Period

We retain this information throughout the employment period and for 6 years post-termination or as required by law

Category of Personal Information:

Imprecise Geolocational


Imprecise Geolocational may contain the following: IP address

Purpose(s) for Collection

To improve and test our systems and conduct oversight of computer usage

Targeted Advertising

We do not engage in targeted advertising or disclose this information for targeted advertising purposes


This information is not sold to third parties

Other Disclosures

This information may be disclosed to Processors and Affiliates. We disclose Imprecise Geolocational to enable our processors to provide customer service on our behalf, to debug our products and identify errors that may impair functionality, to conduct research and development to improve our existing services and employment experience.

Retention Period

We retain this information throughout the employment period and for 6 years post-termination or as required by law

Category of Personal Information:

Sensory Information


Sensory Information may contain the following: Profile picture, video recordings, voice recordings, computer usage

Purpose(s) for Collection

Comply with statutory obligations, provide personalized HR services, improve employment experience, improve and test our systems, conduct oversight of computer usage

Targeted Advertising

We do not engage in targeted advertising or disclose this information for targeted advertising purposes


This information is not sold to third parties

Other Disclosures

This information may be disclosed to Processors and Affiliates. We disclose Sensory Information to enable our processors to provide customer service on our behalf, to debug our products and identify errors that may impair functionality, to conduct research and development to improve our existing services and employment experience.

Retention Period

We retain this information throughout the employment period and for 6 years post-termination or as required by law

Category of Personal Information:

Professional Information


Professional Information may contain the following: Employment history, salary, any information provided on a resume or application for employment

Purpose(s) for Collection

To assess qualifications, provide personalized HR services, improve employment experience, conduct statistical analysis

Targeted Advertising

We do not engage in targeted advertising or disclose this information for targeted advertising purposes


This information is not sold to third parties

Other Disclosures

This information may be disclosed to Processors and Affiliates. We disclose Professional Information to enable our processors to provide customer service on our behalf, to debug our products and identify errors that may impair functionality, to conduct research and development to improve our existing services and employment experience.

Retention Period

We retain this information throughout the employment period and for 6 years post-termination or as required by law

Category of Personal Information:

Educational Information


Educational Information may contain the following: Degrees and certificates or course work, any information provided on a resume or application for employment

Purpose(s) for Collection

To assess qualifications, provide personalized HR services, improve employment experience, conduct statistical analysis

Targeted Advertising

We do not engage in targeted advertising or disclose this information for targeted advertising purposes


This information is not sold to third parties

Other Disclosures

This information may be disclosed to Processors and Affiliates. We disclose Educational Information to enable our processors to provide customer service on our behalf, to debug our products and identify errors that may impair functionality, to conduct research and development to improve our existing services and employment experience.

Retention Period

We retain this information throughout the employment period and for 6 years post-termination or as required by law

Categories of Sensitive Personal Information

The table below outlines the categories of Sensitive Personal Information Trajector collects about Employees, Contractors, and Applicants and whether they are disclosed to third parties.

We collect Sensitive Personal Information from the following sources:

  • Directly from our Employees, Contractors, and Applicants

Category of Sensitive Personal Information:

Government ID Information


Government ID Information may contain the following: Social Security Number, any form of ID listed on I-9 (passport, driver’s license, ID card, birth certificate, etc.)

Purpose(s) for Collection

To comply with EEO-1 filing requirements, to verify employment eligibility, to conduct statistical analysis, and to comply with and/or provide accommodation under Title VII of the Civil Rights Act of 1964, the Age Discrimination in Employment Act, the Americans with Disabilities Act, the Family Medical Leave Act and other state and federal laws

Targeted Advertising

We do not engage in targeted advertising or disclose this information for targeted advertising purposes


This information is not sold to third parties

Other Disclosures

This information may be disclosed to Processors and Affiliates. We disclose Government ID Information to enable our processors to provide customer service, such as payroll and benefits services, on our behalf.

Retention Period

We retain this information throughout the employment period and for 6 years post-termination or as required by law.

Category of Sensitive Personal Information:

Sensitive Category Information


Sensitive Category Information may contain the following: If the candidate/employee/contractor provides it, information on race, ethnicity, religious beliefs, mental or physical health diagnosis which may include genetic information, sexual orientation, sex life, or citizenship or immigration status.

Purpose(s) for Collection

To comply with EEO-1 filing requirements, to verify employment eligibility, to conduct statistical analysis, and to comply with and/or provide accommodation under Title VII of the Civil Rights Act of 1964, the Age Discrimination in Employment Act, the Americans with Disabilities Act, the Family Medical Leave Act and other state and federal laws

Targeted Advertising

We do not engage in targeted advertising or disclose this information for targeted advertising purposes


This information is not sold to third parties

Other Disclosures

This information may be disclosed to Processors and Affiliates. We disclose Sensitive Category Information to enable our processors to provide customer service, such as payroll and benefits services, on our behalf.

Retention Period

We retain this information throughout the employment period and for 6 years post-termination or as required by law.

Category of Sensitive Personal Information:

Communication Data


Communication Data may contain the following: All the content of computer usage on company equipment and systems

Purpose(s) for Collection

Compliance with statutory obligations, security, performance evaluation, quality assurance and control, and improvement of employment experience, debugging our products and/or services, conducting research and development to improve our products/services

Targeted Advertising

We do not engage in targeted advertising or disclose this information for targeted advertising purposes


This information is not sold to third parties

Other Disclosures

This information may be disclosed to Processors and Affiliates. We disclose Communication Data to enable our processors to provide customer service, to debug our products and/or services, to maintain digital security, and to conduct research and development to improve our products/services and employment experience.

Retention Period

We retain this information throughout the employment period and for 6 years post-termination or as required by law.

Category of Sensitive Personal Information:

Financial Information


Financial Information may contain the following: Bank account information needed for direct deposit payroll processing and 401K contributions

Purpose(s) for Collection

To perform payroll functions including direct deposit and 401K contributions

Targeted Advertising

We do not engage in targeted advertising or disclose this information for targeted advertising purposes


This information is not sold to third parties

Other Disclosures

This information may be disclosed to Processors and Affiliates. We disclose Financial Information to enable our processors to provide customer service, such as payroll and benefits services, on our behalf.

Retention Period

We retain this information throughout the employment period and for 6 years post-termination or as required by law.

Use of Personal Information

We use Personal Information for the purposes described above. Other examples of how we may use your Personal Information within Trajector include:

  • Publishing Employees’ work contact information in an intra-company directory for other Employees to view.
  • Disclosing applicants’ submitted Personal Information with our HR department and other employees to process applications.
  • Creating profiles of contractors’ performance based on work product.

Personal Information may also be used or disclosed as otherwise permitted or required by applicable law.

Disclosing Personal Information

We disclose Personal Information to the following categories of third parties:

●Processors (also referred to as “Service Providers” or “Contractors” in California law): We use processors to securely handle Personal Information on our behalf for our business purposes and only on our instructions. California privacy laws and our contracts with these companies prevent them from using your Personal Information for their own purposes.

●Affiliates: We may disclose your information to our affiliates, subsidiaries, and representatives as part of our relationship with you.

●Other Employees, Contractors, and Applicants: Content you post on our systems may be displayed to other Employees, Contractors, and Applicants as appropriate.

See the tables above for more details about how different categories of Personal Information are disclosed.

We do not sell Personal Information to anyone. We do not share Personal Information for advertising purposes.

Exercising Your Personal Information Rights

California Employees, Contractors, and Applicants have the following rights under California privacy laws:

●The right to know the Personal Information we have collected about them, including the categories of sources from which we collected the Personal Information, the purpose(s) for collecting, selling, or sharing your Personal Information, and the categories of third parties to whom we have disclosed your Personal Information

●The rights to correct, or delete Personal Information;

●The right to limit the use of Sensitive Personal Information in certain circumstances;

●The rights to opt out of targeted advertising, sales of Personal Information, or profiling; and

●The right not to receive discriminatory treatment for exercising their privacy rights.

If you are a California Employee, Contractor, or Applicant, you can submit a request to exercise your Personal Information rights under California privacy laws by visiting our online privacy request portal at or calling our toll-free number at 1-888-988-3837.

To protect your privacy, we may need to authenticate your identity before we respond to your rights request. We will verify your identity by sending an email to your email address on file with a link to click. We may ask you for additional information as part of this process, including the last 4 digits of your social security number, if we have that number in our records. If you do not complete the verification process, we may be unable to process your request. Any information you provide to authenticate your identity will only be used to process your rights request and not for any other purpose. Please be aware that we do not accept or process rights requests submitted through other means.

We will respond to your rights request within 45 days, though in certain cases we may inform you that we will need up to another 45 days to act on your request. If we suspect fraudulent or malicious activity on or from your account, we will delay taking action on your request until we can appropriately verify your identity and the request as authentic. Also note that each of the rights are subject to certain exceptions.

We reserve the right to decline to process, or charge a reasonable fee for, requests from a Employee, Contractor, or Applicant that are manifestly unfounded, excessive, or repetitive.

Notice of Right to Limit the Use of Sensitive Personal Information

You have the right to limit some uses of Sensitive Personal Information. You may direct companies not to use Sensitive Personal Information except as necessary to provide goods or services you have requested or other exempt purposes.

However, we only use Sensitive Personal Information for purposes that are exempt from this right, such as to provide you with goods or services you have requested, to detect and prevent security incidents, or verifying the quality of our goods and services. The full list of these exempt purposes are specified in California Code of Regulations, Title 11, Section 7027(m).

Children’s Data

We do not knowingly collect or use the Personal Information of children under 16. If you believe that we have collected the Personal Information of a child under 16, please contact us at [email protected].

Authorized Agent Requests

California privacy law allows you to designate an authorized agent to make a rights request on your behalf. Your authorized agent may submit such a request by following the same method described above. We may require verification of your authorized agent in addition to the information for verification above for Employees, Contractors, and Applicants and households.

Contact Us

If you have any questions or concerns regarding this California HR Privacy Notice, contact us at [email protected].

Last updated: August 29, 2023